Tuesday, March 19, 2024

what's in my bag? photos from flickr, 2013

Out of all the what's in my bag posts I've done, it's clear that 2013 is when the vibes really start shifting in the 2010's.  After all, this was the year when Lorde put Royals, changing the pop landscape forever and ushering in a new wave of mellow hits that were in stark contrast to the recession pop that dominated the year prior.  Apple released iOS 7 just a few months later, opting for a flat user interface instead of a skeuomorphic one.  Things became sleeker and smoother, which spilled over into people's handbags. Gone were the days of carrying a flip phone, blackberry, and iPod touch—now, most people were walking around with an iPhone, and maybe a Kindle or iPad.  

gone but never forgotten

Saturday, March 9, 2024

hipster parks and rec

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: for every blog dedicated in earnest to hipsterdom, there is an equal and opposite blog dedicated to making fun of them.  This week, I had the delight of stumbling upon hipsterparksandrec.tumblr.com, which pairs "hipster" photographs from flickr with out-of-context parks and rec quotes.  Enjoy:

Friday, March 8, 2024

riot grrrl revival on tumblr

Since today is International Women's Day and everything, I thought it would be fitting to take a look at the riot grrrl revival on tumblr.  While I'm critical of it now, it was my introduction to social justice issues and feminism, and it's funny to look back on it. As a young teen, it was hard not to get sucked in by cute little pins and graphics with "girl power!" written on them, leading me to self-identify as a feminist without really knowing what feminism was, and basing my political views over whatever the hell I was seeing on my tumblr dashboard. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

exploring blog archives: dasschaben.blogspot.com, oct 2012

dasschaben.blogspot.com is the blog of Italian visual artist Ilaria Novelli, and it is an absolute treasure trove of film stills, gifs, and sourceless images nabbed from tumblr.  Like her illustrations, many of her posts have a cute-yet-creepy vibe and are seriously well-curated.  Take a look below: 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

polaroids by dev hynes

some polaroids taken by dev hynes (aka blood orange) that I've been meaning to share but haven't gotten around to yet.  enjoy:

Friday, March 1, 2024

flickr finds: Iphgenia Baal, 2007

Iphgenia Baal is known for books like Death & Facebook and Man Hating Psycho, but before she became an author, she was a journalist covering music and the arts at Dazed.  In her words, her journalism career ended badly and involved “an extended melodrama involving fisticuffs and the police that ran across two continents,” but thankfully she documented a few snaps of her everyday life on flickr before it all blew up: