Friday, May 3, 2024

spring 2014 tumblr vibes

Around this time of year, I always find myself returning to my 2014 tumblr archives.  It's hard to overstate the degree of obsessed I was with this aesthetic back in the day, to the point where the months of April and May are permanently embedded in my brain as "American Apparel tennis skirt and striped t-shirt season."  This obsession spilled over into my life by way of cluttering my desk with "aesthetic" succulents and begging my mom to buy me frilly socks and jelly sandals from Urban Outfitters (she eventually relented).  I can't help it, this aesthetic just screams "spring" to me, and I wanted to indulge my nostalgia for a moment to relive my daily scrolls on tumblr and majestic casual-soundtracked car rides to school.  Even though it was a decade ago, I remember it like it was yesterday: 

found on my dropbox account.  I wore the everliving shit out of this socks/shoe combo. 

Ending with this photo I took as my dad drove me home from ballet.  I was so excited because it was reblogged by Bean/Flowury and it got 1k notes lol.  I thought I was on my way to tumblr fame. 

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