Sunday, December 17, 2023

† bloghouse birthday †

One year ago I uploaded my first tiktok on bloghousearrest (!!!!)  I'm the kind of person who usually hops around from hobby to hobby, so I'm kind of surprised that I've stuck with this account for a full year now.  When I started posting, I wasn't sure if people would even like or care about 2010s blogs or flickrs, but sharing my nostalgia and seeing it resonate has been so...rewarding dare I say?  Every time I get an "I love this account so much" comment, it gives my depressed, cynical self enough will to live to keep trucking along, so thank you genuinely to everyone who's liked/commented/shared a bloghousearrest post.  And remember: you can go back to the past any time that you'd like, but there is no one here for you anymore.


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