Wednesday, December 20, 2023

you show the lights that stop me

It's that time of year again.  The annual donning of holiday decorations always brings me back to 2012 tumblr-induced obsession with string lights.  I begged my mom to let me have the lights from our Christmas decor supply to use as Instagram photo props and room decor, much to her confusion, but she relented.  This resulted in some very uhhhhh interesting photos. 

I genuinely thought this photo would go viral on Instagram

I mean, were you really a tumblr girl wannabe if you didn't have cringe-y photoshoot with string lights?

SPOT ON with the caption

I sent this snapchat to everyone immediately after I put up my string lights to show them off

And then, I uploaded this photo to facebook with the caption "tumblr lights <3" because I thought my room looked so cool

Personally, I think we should go back to being string-light obsessed.  You can't deny how cozy they look, and they make for some cool pictures.  I'm bringing them back:

this video changed everything for me and I'm not even joking....I became obsessed with jennxpenn and would watch her videos all the time with my friends in 8th grade.  you just had to be there.  

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