Monday, May 29, 2023

exploring bygone blogs: darkcrystalmagick june 2012

witchy themes abound over at darkcrystalmagick's corner of the internet. The self-proclaimed "cosmic moonchild" (with super rad blue hair) has an interest for everything tarot, potion, hippie, and hair dye related. their blog covers a wide range of aesthetics, ranging from boho-artsy to earthy witch vibes to 2010s rhinestone glam. I love how each individual blog post seems somewhat random, yet they all come together to form a cohesive identity that's the perfect embodiment of the 2010s alt internet bohemian style.  

darkcrystalmagick blogged from 2010 to 2014. As with most bloggers, their posts slowly peter out around 2013 before grinding to a halt. the world - or at least one aspect of the internet - moved on. but, we can still go back and enjoy the archives left behind: 

bonus image that didn't make it into my tiktok because the community guidelines hate me

aly antorcha, forever my hair icon

everyone give it up for ♡ soft ♡ grunge ♡ pale ♡


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