Friday, June 2, 2023

flickr finds friday: Hanah-Marie Hayes

god, there's just something about 35mm film right? Hannah's photos read like stolen memories from the early 2010s - I love how the lighting and tones of her photographs romanticize the so-called cringe fashions of the last decade. Swooping haircuts and bermuda shorts have never looked so cinematic. 

What I also love about her photostream is how it evolves. The first few pages are scream "I'm a middle schooler who just found flickr and take artsy photos after school" (I know because I was one), but you can see her skill and passion for photography grow as you move towards the present. I won't pretend to know her life story, but it warms my ice-cold heart to watch her journey from a young teen playing with a camera to a serious (and talented) photographer 

tiktok placed two strikes on my account because of a post I uploaded that had a photo of someone holding a liquor bottle and some weed, so everything I post for the next 90 days will be squeaky clean. Thankfully, blogger does not have the same restrictions, so you can see some of the better photographs that feature cigarettes and pot. how scandalous. 

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