Monday, August 5, 2024

exploring blog archives:, june 2011-oct 2012

Fans of Rookie mag, come gather around: is right up your alley.  This blog was created by Marlena Mayle, former Rookie contributor, to share her personal style, DIY projects, and style inspo from tumblr and the ‘80s and ‘90s (heavy on the goth rock and riot grrrrl influences).  In her words, “I like punk rock tunes, pastel hues, platform shoes, and making my own clothes. This blog is essentially me blathering on about all of the above.”

Scrolling through Marlena’s blog is a real treat.  She was so creative when it came to expressing herself through style, from wearing dresses as skirts to penciling her eyebrows pink, and she had such a refreshing way of articulating herself—she’s so cool and smart that you can’t help but want to be her best friend.  While her blog is now private, you can still see some of her posts on the web archive and on Rookie.  These are a few of my favorite looks from her blog: 

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