Monday, November 20, 2023

exploring blog archives: indiekidsmakemecry, december 2010-october 2012

indiekidsmakemecry was a short-lived blog created by Mimi, an otherwise anonymous blogger.  Mimi was clearly obsessed with hipsters and indie culture; her blog archives include several odes to "hipster boys," indie fashion staples like upcycled shorts, and vintage cameras.  

While some may label her blog as 2010s cringe, to me, it's endearing.  I remember having the same obsession with hipster culture in middle school and feeling pure euphoria when I took a trip to Williamsburg for the first time and saw hipsters in the wild, or when my friends at school told me my outfit was "so tumblr."  Of course, wanting to be a hipster is undecidedly un-hipster, so I had to keep my excitement to myself.  Still, Mimi's blog takes me back to a time when I was wide-eyed and genuinely excited about the world around me and the person I could become.   

The last note I want to make about indiekidsmakemecry (and this something I hope to explore in a future post) is the range of aesthetics her blog covers under the label of "hipster."  She has posts that cover the  "hipster primitive" look,  flickr/tumblr vintage, and tumblr grunge—all three of which are very different and distinct aesthetics.   While hipster refers to a specific subculture, her blog shows that it also grew to encompass anything that was slightly left of conventional on the internet.  

Take a look at some posts from indiekidsmakemecry below:

Monday, February 20, 2012: Crosses, Skulls and Bones

Saturday, February 18, 2012: Pastel Doc Martens

Saturday, December 25, 2010: Wintery Inspiration Merry Xmas!

Saturday, December 25, 2010: Long Hair Love

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