Monday, November 27, 2023

exploring blog archives: whambamfuckyouman sept-dec 2009

When coming across old blogs, I almost always prefer their posts from earlier years because they feel the most refreshing, raw, and authentic.  There's no concern about being perceived on the internet or losing Blogsense dollars.  Instead, you get an unflinching first-hand account of someone's thoughts, ideas, and tastes with little sanitizing.  Whambamfuckyouman's early blog archives perfectly exemplify that early care-free stage that most bloggers go through, including a mish-mash of fashion editorials, OOTDs, and party photos from nights out with friends. To be clear, this isn't meant to be a dig at her later posts (I think most people can agree that stylized editorial images look nicer than shitty digicam photos), but sometimes there is a different kind of beauty found in the forgotten, mundane captures of life you can only see after years go past. 

I love it when bloggers have a fun banner

thou shalt always fuck

posioned kisses

all that jazz

sick boy

for sure

put the pipe down

celebrate orginality


unexpected tales


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