Monday, July 24, 2023

exploring blog archives: lakuvent, september 2011 takes me back to the wild west days of the internet, where you could post pretty much whatever you wanted, wherever you wanted. Her blog is, uh, very NSFW, and half the things she posted would immediately get taken down on any social media site these days for violating community guidelines. 

Is it for the greater good that you can no longer dump gifs of people going horizontal and self harming on the internet for everyone to see? Yes. Does it make it more challenging to accurately archive old blogs? Also yes. 

Even though some of the things I accidentally scrolled upon on tumblr definitely messed with me as a kid, I do miss the total freedom of expression we had. Every time I post a tiktok, I have to carefully scrub each photo to make sure it's free from alcohol, cigarettes, or pot (scandalous!) or else my account will get deleted. Back in the day, sharing images was a form of unfiltered, totally raw self-expression—for better or for worse.  I feel like we're in the middle of a pendulum swing—the internet of the '10s was about unabashed hedonism, and now things are going in the other direction where you can't even say the word "sex" or "suicide."  There's got to be a middle ground somewhere....right?

Take a look at some (ever so slightly NSFW) photos from lakuvent below, and explore her blog at your own risk:

september 2nd 2011:

september 3rd 2011:

september 5th 2011:

september 6th 2011:

september 7th 2011:

september 7th 2011:

september 8th 2011:

september 12th 2011:

september 13th 2011:

september 15th 2011: 

september 20th 2011:

september 21st 2011:

september 27th 2011:

september 28th 2011:

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