Monday, July 3, 2023

exploring blog archives: sept-nov 2012

AutumnLuis—the screen name behind uniqueandamazing—was a prolific blogger. From 2009 to 2014, they shared literally thousands of images, mostly taken from tumblr and weheartit (RIP). It’s hard to pinpoint their style. It’s not necessarily boho or fashion-focused, just a hodgepodge of stolen photography, vintage, quotes, doodles, tattoos, and cats. Lots of cats. 

But who gives a fuck about aesthetic, right? In the blog heyday, it was more about sharing things you liked or found interesting rather than carefully curating a cohesive image landscape. While overwhelming, uniqueandamazing is an authentic window into what the internet looked like during that era. 

Here are some of my favorite images I found on their blog. Take a look below: 

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