Monday, July 10, 2023

exploring blog archives: betweenpeaceandhappiness july-august 2011

I've looked at hundreds of blogs* since starting this account, and it's safe to say that betweenpeaceandhappiness is my favorite so far. Emily cultivated a distinct aesthetic on her blog that includes lots of pastel hues, tumblr girls, hello kitty, and photos of sky ferreira. It's the best of the early tumblr imagery.

Throughout the nearly seven-year run of her blog, she posted a "Sunday Scrapbook" nearly every week that documented all of her favorite images. Her scrapbooks covered indie sleaze, high-fashion editorials, grunge,  pale, pastel goth, and quality tumblr photography, and while she pulled from a lot of disparate aesthetics, all of her posts feel very cohesive. Unfortunately, many of her older posts can no longer be seen because tinypic shut down its image hosting services, but it's apparent that Emily has always had a keen eye for the visual. 

*that's not meant to sound like a brag or anything lmao it's because I am pathetic and have no life

I've got lots of her blog posts saved, so I'll be sharing more in the future. For now, here are some of my favorite images she posted during July and August of 2011: 

July 31st 2011:






August 4th 2011:

August 7th 2011:


August 14th 2011: 

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